Tehillim 130
1. (Shir HaMa’alot) Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, Hashem.
2. Adonoi, hear my voice; let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my techinnot (supplications).
3. If Thou, Hashem, shouldest record iniquities, Adonoi, who could stand?
4. But there is selichah (forgiveness) with Thee; therefore, Thou art feared.
5. I wait for Hashem, my nefesh doth wait, and in His Devar do I hope.
6. My nefesh waiteth for Adonoi more than the shomrim that watch for the boker; I say, more than the shomrim that watch for the boker.
7. Let Yisroel hope in Hashem; for with Hashem there is chesed, and with Him is plenteous pedut (redemption).
8. And He shall redeem Yisroel from all his iniquities.