Kehillah in Corinth I 15
1. Now, Achim b’Moshiach, I draw your attention to the Besuras HaGeulah which I proclaimed to you, which also you received, in which also you stand firm, [Isa 40:9]
2. Through which also you are brought to Yeshua’at Eloheinu, provided you hold fast to the dvar Torah which I proclaimed to you, unless you received it in vain (cf. 15:12-14, 10).
3. For I transmitted and handed on to you as authoritative Torah, rishon (first), that which was also transmitted and handed on to me as authoritative Torah (Ga 1:18): that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach died on behalf of avoneinu (our averos YESHAYAH 1:4, iniquities, gross wickedness, depravities) according to the Kitvei Hakodesh (YESHAYAH 53:8-9; DANIEL 9:26),
4. And that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was buried in a kever (grave, burial place, YESHAYAH 53:9), and that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was raised in a Techiyah from the mesim on YOM HASHLISHI (BERESHIS 1:11-13 [T.N. Chag HaBikkurim Lev 23:10-11, see 1C 15:20]; SHEMOT 19:11,15-16; YEHOSHUA 1:11; BAMIDBAR 19:11 13; YONAH 1:17; HOSHEA 6:2; MELACHIM BAIS 20:5,8; EZRA 6:15) according to the Kitvei Hakodesh (TEHILLIM 16:10),
5. And that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was seen by Kefa, then by the Sheneym Asar,
6. Afterward Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was seen by over five hundred Achim b’Moshiach at one time, of whom most remain alive until now, though some sleep the sleep of the mesim.
7. Afterward, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was seen by Ya’akov (Ga 1:19, also see p.848), then by all the Shlichim.
8. And, last of all, even as if to one born not normally [like the rest], Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was seen by me also (cf. 9:1).
9. For I am the least of Moshiach’s Shlichim, not qualified to be called a Shliach, because I brought redifah (persecution) upon the Kehillah of Hashem.
10. But by the Chen v’Chesed Hashem I am what I am. And the Chen v’Chesed Hashem of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach to me was not in vain, but more abundantly than all the Moshiach’s Shlichim I labored, yet it was not I, but the Chen v’Chesed Hashem with me.
11. Whether it was I or those others, so we preached as Moshiach’s maggidim, and so you had emunah and became Moshiach’s ma’aminim.
12. And if Moshiach is being preached that from the Mesim (Dead ones) he has had his Techiyah (Resurrection), how is it that some among you say that there is no Techiyas HaMesim?
13. And if there is no Techiyas HaMesim, neither then has Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach been raised.
14. And if Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach has not been raised, then our preaching to you was in vain and also in vain is your emunah (faith).
15. Moreover, we are found also to be edei sheker (false witnesses) [SHEMOT 20:16; DEVARIM 19:16-21] misrepresenting Hashem Himself, because we gave solemn edut (testimony 1:6) as in the presence of G-d that Hashem raised Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach—whom, of course, He did not raise if, as you say, the Mesim are not bemetzius (in fact) raised.
16. For if the Mesim (Dead persons) have not Techiyah, neither has Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had a Techiyah;
17. And if Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach has not already had his Techiyah from the Mesim, your emunah is futile, you are still in your averos (sins),
18. And even the ones who sleep the sleep of the Mesim in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach have perished.
19. Listen, if for the Olam Hazeh only we have tikvateinu in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, we are to be pitied more than kol Bnei Adam.
20. But in fact Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach has had His Techiyah! Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is the Bikkurim ("Firstfruits" Gn 1:11-13; Ex 23:16; Lev 23:10-11), the Firstfruits of the ones having fallen asleep [in Moshiach].
21. For als (since) through an Adam (Man) came mavet (Gn 2:17), also through an Adam (Man, Moshiach) came the Techiyas HaMesim.
22. For as in Adam all die (Gn 3:19), so also in Moshiach all will be made alive.
23. But each one in his own order: the Bikkurim, Moshiach; afterward, the ones of Moshiach at the Bias HaMoshiach;
24. Then HaKetz when Moshiach gives over the Malchut Hashem to G-d, even Elohim Avinu (Dan 2:44; 7:13 14,27), after He has abolished all Mishrah and Shilton and Gevurah.
25. For it is necessary for Moshiach to reign until Hashem puts all His OYVIM ("enemies") under His RAGLAYIM ("feet," TEHILLIM 110:1). [YESHAYAH 9:7; 52:7]
26. The last Oyev (Enemy) to be abolished is Mavet.
27. For KOL HASHEM put TACHAT RAGLAV ("All things He subjected under His feet" TEHILLIM 8:7[6]) but when He says that KOL (“all things”) have been subjected, it is peshat (plain, literal) that this does not include the One [Hashem] who put all things in subjection under Moshiach.
28. But, when all things are subjected to Hashem, then also the Ben HaElohim [Moshiach] himself will be subjected to the One (Hashem) having subjected all things under him (Moshiach), that in all things G-d may be all [i.e., preeminent].
29. Otherwise, what will they do, the ones being given tevilah on behalf of the dead? If the Mesim really are not raised, why indeed are they given tevilah on behalf of the Mesim?
30. Why also are we putting ourselves at risk and in danger every hour?
31. Daily I die and that is as true a fact, Achim b’Moshiach, as it is that I glory over you in Moshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu.
32. If it were a mere humanistic matter, my fighting, so to speak, with wild beasts in Ephesus (Ac 19; 2C 1:3 10), what do I gain? If there is no Techiyas HaMesim, "Let us eat and drink, KI MACHAR NAMUT "For tomorrow we die" YESHAYAH 22:13; 56:12).
33. Do not fall under a delusion. "Bad chavrusashaft (association, influence or hashpa’ah) corrupts good midos."
34. Wake up and come to your senses. Start walking in the derech tzaddikim (TEHILLIM 1:6). Stop committing averos. Some among you have no saving da’as of Hashem. I say this to your bushah (shame).
35. But someone will question, "How does this Techiyas HaMesim come about? And in the Techiyas HaMesim, with what kind of body will they come?" [YECHEZKEL 37:3]
36. Yold, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies!
37. And what is it you sow? Not the body that is to be, but something else: a bare zera (seed), efsher (perhaps) of wheat or some other grain.
38. However, Hashem chooses [another] body to give to the [“dead” and buried] seed, and to each kind of zera is given by Hashem its own body (Gn 1:11-13; 47:18-19).
39. Now basar is not all the same: Bnei Adam have one kind of basar; animals, another; birds, another; fish, another;
40. and there are gufot baShomayim (heavenly bodies), and gufot baAretz (earthly bodies), but the kavod of the heavenly is of one kind, and the kavod of the earthly of another kind.
41. There is one kavod (glory) of the shemesh (sun), and another kavod (glory) of the levanah (moon), and another kavod (glory) of the kochavim (stars), for in kavod (glory), kochav differs from kochav. [TEHILLIM 19:4-6; 8:1,3]
42. So also is the Techiyas HaMesim. That which is sown is of one kind, perishable; that which is raised up is of another kind, imperishable. [DANIEL 12:3]
43. What is sown without kavod is raised in kavod. What is sown in weakness is raised in ko’ach (power).
44. What is sown a natural body, is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual one.
45. So, also, it has been written, VAY’HI HAADAM L’NEFESH CHAYYAH ("And the [first] Man became a living soul," BERESHIS 2:7); but the Adam haacharon (last Adam) became a Ruach mechayyeh (Yn 5:26).
46. But the spiritual body is not harishon, but the natural; then afterward the spiritual.
47. The Adam Harishon is AFAR MIN HA’ADAMAH ("dust from the earth, ground" BERESHIS 2:7), out of ha’aretz. The Adam HaSheini (the second Adam) is out of Shomayim. [BERESHIS 2:7; 3:19; TEHILLIM 90:3]
48. As was the Adam of dust, such also are those of the dust; as was the Adam of Shomayim, such also are those who are of Shomayim.
49. And just as we have borne the demut of the Adam MIN AFAR HA’ADAMAH ("from the dust of the earth" BERESHIS 2:7), so we will bear also the likeness of the Heavenly Adam (Man). [BERESHIS 5:3]
50. Now this I say, Achim b’Moshiach, that basar vadahm cannot inherit the Malchut Hashem, neither can the perishable inherit the imperishable (TEHILLIM 16:9-10; IYOV 19:25-26).
51. Hinei! I speak a sod (mystery) to you: we will not all sleep the sleep of the Mesim, but we will all be changed.
52. In a rega (moment), in the wink of an eye, at the last shofar blast. For the shofar will sound, the Mesim (dead ones) will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
53. For it is necessary for this perishable nature to put on the imperishable, and this mortal nature to put on the immortal.
54. But when this perishable nature puts on the imperishable, and this mortal, the immortal, then the dvar hanevu’ah will come to pass that stands written, "He will swallow up death forever" (YESHAYAH 25:8) in victory.
55. EHI DEVARECHA MAVET EHI KATAVECHA SHEOL? ("Where are your plagues, O Death? Where is your destruction, O Sheol?" HOSHEA 13:14)
56. Now the sting of death is chet (sin) and the ko’ach (power) of chet (sin) is chukkat haTorah [see Dt 27:26; Ga 3:1-13; Ro 7:7-13].
57. But Baruch Hashem, Who is giving us the nitzachon (victory) through Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.
58. So then, Chaverim and Achim b’Moshiach of mine, be steadfast, immovable, abounding always in the avodas kodesh of Adoneinu, have da’as that your po’al (work) is not in vain in Hashem [2Ch 15:7; Isa 65:23].